ChunHee WiFi Rechargable Smart Wireless Caregiver Pager Panic Button Linked To Phone

ChunHee WiFi Rechargable Smart Wireless Caregiver Pager Panic Button Linked To Phone

ChunHee WiFi Rechargable Smart Wireless Caregiver Pager Panic Button Linked To Phone


Introducing the ChunHee WiFi Rechargable Smart Wireless Caregiver Pager Panic Button Linked To Phone. This revolutionary device is designed to provide peace of mind by allowing you to remotely monitor and assist your loved ones, especially the elderly, from anywhere at any time. With its advanced features and easy-to-use interface, this caregiver pager is a must-have for anyone concerned about the well-being of their family members.

WiFi Caregiver Call Button

The WiFi emergency alarm device can be easily connected to your phone, enabling remote push notifications. This means you can take care of your young and old family members at home, no matter where you are. In case of danger, the elderly can simply push the SOS Transmitter, and the signal will be sent directly to your phone. With stable registration and long-distance transmission capabilities, this device ensures a reliable and efficient communication channel without any messy codes.

Connected Phone Siren Alarm System

The SOS Emergency Call Button Alarm is an ideal gift for anyone with elderly parents. It provides peace of mind, knowing that even when their parents are home alone, they can still be safe and easily notify you if they need help, such as in the event of a fall or injury. This device seamlessly integrates with your smartphone, allowing you to send help right away with a simple push of the call button.

Multiple People Share

When you have siblings, it’s natural to want everyone to be able to receive calls from your parents at the same time. With the ChunHee WiFi Rechargable Smart Wireless Caregiver Pager Panic Button, you can set up the sharing feature of the Tuya app. This allows everyone you share with to receive an alert message when your parents press and hold the panic button. This way, you can all take better care of your aging parents and ensure their safety.

Personal Alarms For Elderly

If the receiver is not connected to the phone, the buttons and receiver can still be used normally. However, please note that the music volume cannot be adjusted in this case. It is recommended to keep the receiver connected to your phone for full functionality.

How does This APP Caregiver Pager Work

In order for the pager to work, it must always be in a WiFi environment where it is registered in the app. Once you finish setting up and start using the alert system, your phone can be on a different network. However, the pager must remain connected to the same WiFi network it was registered on. This ensures seamless communication between the pager and your phone.

Service Guarantee

At ChunHee, we prioritize customer satisfaction. We have partnered with desertcart Logistics to ensure fast and reliable delivery of your package within 1-2 days. We also provide a 30-day refund service, so you can shop with confidence. Our product manual includes detailed operation instructions and videos to help you make the most of our product. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us through desertcart email. We are committed to providing excellent after-sales service to ensure your satisfaction.

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